18 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/znsl3672
Blandigneres A. Fricain E. Gaunard F. Hartmann A. Ross W., “Reverse Carleson Embeddings for Model Spaces”, J. Lond. Math. Soc.-Second Ser., 88:2 (2013), 437–464
Alexei Poltoratski, “Spectral gaps for sets and measures”, Acta Math., 208:1 (2012), 151
Poltoratski A., Sarason D., “Aleksandrov-Clark measures”, Recent Advances in Operator-Related Function Theory, Contemporary Mathematics Series, 393, 2006, 1–14
Poltoratski A., “Maximal properties of the normalized Cauchy transform”, J Amer Math Soc, 16:1 (2003), 1–17
Nazarov F., Volberg A., “The Bellman Function, the Two-Weight Hilbert Transform, and Embeddings of the Model Spaces K-0”, J. Anal. Math., 87 (2002), 385–414
Poltoratski A., “Integral representations and uniqueness sets for star-invariant subspaces”, Systems, Approximation, Singular Integral Operators, and Related Topics, Operator Theory : Advances and Applications, 129, 2001, 425–443
A. D. Baranov, “Differentiation in the branges spaces and embedding theorems”, J Math Sci, 101:2 (2000), 2881
Poltoratski A.G., “Finite rank perturbations of singular spectra”, Int Math Res Not, 1997, no. 9, 421–436