16 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/znsl207
  1. David J. Fernández C., Vicente Said Morales-Salgado, “Higher order supersymmetric truncated oscillators”, Annals of Physics, 388 (2018), 122  crossref
  2. А. А. Андрианов, А. В. Соколов, “Расширенная суперсимметрия и скрытые симметрии в одномерной матричной квантовой механике”, ТМФ, 186:1 (2016), 5–26  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  elib; A. A. Andrianov, A. V. Sokolov, “Extended supersymmetry and hidden symmetries in one-dimensional matrix quantum mechanics”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 186:1 (2016), 2–20  crossref  isi
  3. M.V. Ioffe, E.V. Kolevatova, D.N. Nishnianidze, “SUSY method for the three-dimensional Schrödinger equation with effective mass”, Physics Letters A, 380:41 (2016), 3349  crossref
  4. Alexander A. Andrianov, Andrey V. Sokolov, “Minimal realizations of supersymmetry for matrix Hamiltonians”, Physics Letters A, 379:4 (2015), 279  crossref
  5. F. Cannata, M.V. Ioffe, E.V. Kolevatova, D.N. Nishnianidze, “New implicitly solvable potential produced by second order shape invariance”, Annals of Physics, 356 (2015), 438  crossref
  6. Andrey M. Pupasov-Maksimov, “Propagators of isochronous an-harmonic oscillators and Mehler formula for the exceptional Hermite polynomials”, Annals of Physics, 363 (2015), 122  crossref
  7. Andrey V Sokolov, “Spectral design for matrix Hamiltonians: different methods of constructing of a matrix intertwining operator”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 48:8 (2015), 085202  crossref
  8. Bermudez D., Fernandez C D.J., “Factorization Method and New Potentials From the Inverted Oscillator”, Ann. Phys., 333 (2013), 290–306  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
  9. Sokolov A.V., “Polynomial Supersymmetry for Matrix Hamiltonians”, Phys. Lett. A, 377:9 (2013), 655–662  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus
  10. Andrianov A.A., Ioffe M.V., “Nonlinear Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Realizations”, J. Phys. A-Math. Theor., 45:50 (2012), 503001  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus