8 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/znsl1072
  1. K Rybakov, “Application of Walsh series to represent iterated Stratonovich stochastic integrals”, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 927:1 (2020), 012080  crossref
  2. Luis A. Duffaut Espinosa, W. Steven Gray, Oscar R. González, “On Fliess operators driven by L 2-Itô processes”, Stochastics, 84:4 (2012), 507  crossref
  3. Espinosa L.A.D., Gray W.S., Gonzalez O.R., “On the Absolute Global Convergence of Fliess Operators Driven by L-2-Ito Processes”, 2010 42nd Southeastern Symposium on System Theory (SSST), Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, 2010  isi
  4. Luis A. Duffaut Espinosa, W. Steven Gray, Oscar R. Gonzalez, 2010 42nd Southeastern Symposium on System Theory (SSST), 2010, 280  crossref
  5. Espinosa L.A.D., Gray W.S., Gonzalez O.R., “Growth Bounds for Iterated Integrals of L-2-Ito Random Processes”, SSST: 2009 41st Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, 2009, 223–229  isi
  6. Luis A. Duffaut Espinosa, W. Steven Gray, Oscar R. Gonzalez, Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held jointly with 2009 28th Chinese Control Conference, 2009, 7478  crossref
  7. L.A. Duffaut Espinosa, W.S. Gray, O.R. Gonzalez, 2009 41st Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, 2009, 223  crossref
  8. Д. Ф. Кузнецов, “Новые представления явных одношаговых численных методов для стохастических дифференциальных уравнений со скачкообразной компонентой”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 41:6 (2001), 922–937  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; D. F. Kuznetsov, “New representations of explicit one-step numerical methods for jump-diffusion stochastic differential equations”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 41:6 (2001), 874–888