210 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/ufn8846
  1. M. Leyva-Lucero, E.R. Méndez, T.A. Leskova, A.A. Maradudin, “Destructive interference effects in the second harmonic light generated at randomly rough metal surfaces”, Optics Communications, 161:1-3 (1999), 79  crossref
  2. V.P. Tishkovets, P.V. Litvinov, 1, Third International Kharkov Symposium 'Physics and Engineering of Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves'. MSMW'98. Symposium Proceedings (Cat. No.98EX119), 1998, 382  crossref
  3. L. S. Dolin, “A theory of optical coherence tomography”, Radiophys Quantum Electron, 41:10 (1998), 850  crossref
  4. Reuven Mazar, “Uncertainty in the modelling of high-frequency propagators in random media”, Computers & Structures, 67:1-3 (1998), 119  crossref
  5. Bruce Hapke, Robert Nelson, William Smythe, “The Opposition Effect of the Moon: Coherent BackscatterandShadow Hiding”, Icarus, 133:1 (1998), 89  crossref
  6. P. Helfenstein, N. Currier, B.E. Clark, J. Veverka, M. Bell, R. Sullivan, J. Klemaszewski, R. Greeley, R.T. Pappalardo, J.W. Head, T. Jones, K. Klaasen, K. Magee, P. Geissler, R. Greenberg, A. McEwen, C. Phillips, T. Colvin, M. Davies, T. Denk, G. Neukum, M.J.S. Belton, “Galileo Observations of Europa's Opposition Effect”, Icarus, 135:1 (1998), 41  crossref
  7. R. Mazar, L. Kodner, G. Samelsohn, “Modeling of high-frequency wave propagation with application to the double-passage imaging in random media”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 14:10 (1997), 2809  crossref
  8. O. I. Lobkis, D. E. Chimenti, “Elastic guided waves in plates with surface roughness. I. Model calculation”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 102:1 (1997), 143  crossref
  9. Robert A. Murphy, Ronald L. Phillips, “Reciprocal path-scattering effects for a ground-based, monostatic laser radar tracking a space target through turbulence”, Appl. Opt., 36:24 (1997), 5996  crossref
  10. В. Л. Кузьмин, В. П. Романов, “Когерентные эффекты при рассеянии света в неупорядоченных системах”, УФН, 166:3 (1996), 247–278  mathnet  crossref  isi; V. L. Kuz'min, V. P. Romanov, “Coherent phenomena in light scattering from disordered systems”, Phys. Usp., 39:3 (1996), 231–260  mathnet  crossref