33 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/ufn7726
  1. M. Yu. Kovalevsky, “On the classification of degenerate equilibrium states of multisublattice SU(4) magnets with spin s = 3/2”, Low Temperature Physics, 50:2 (2024), 138  crossref
  2. M. Yu. Kovalevsky, A. A. Rozhkov, “To the theory of superfluid 3He with conformational degrees of freedom”, Low Temperature Physics, 48:3 (2022), 179  crossref
  3. M. S. Bulakhov, A. S. Peletminskii, Yu. V. Slyusarenko, “Multipole degrees of freedom in physics of high-spin quantum atomic gases”, Low Temperature Physics, 47:8 (2021), 700  crossref
  4. M. Yu. Kovalevsky, S. V. Peletminsky, “The principle of residual symmetry of degenerate equilibrium states and the classification of order parameters of single-sublattice magnets with spin s = 3/2”, Low Temperature Physics, 46:8 (2020), 760  crossref
  5. Н. Н. Боголюбов (мл.), А. В. Глущенко, М. Ю. Ковалевский, “Квазисредние и вырожденные квантовые состояния равновесия магнитных систем с $SU(3)$-симметрией обменного взаимодействия”, ТМФ, 195:2 (2018), 240–255  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  elib; N. N. Bogolyubov (Jr.), A. V. Glushchenko, M. Yu. Kovalevsky, “Quasiaverages and degenerate quantum equilibriums of magnetic systems with $SU(3)$ symmetry of the exchange interaction”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 195:2 (2018), 704–717  crossref  isi
  6. A S Peletminskii, S V Peletminskii, Yu V Slyusarenko, “Bose–Einstein condensation of heteronuclear bound states formed in a Fermi gas of two atomic species: a microscopic approach”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 50:14 (2017), 145301  crossref
  7. A. V. Glushchenko, M. Y. Kovalevsky, V. T. Matskevich, “Spectra of collective excitations and low-frequency asymptotics of Green's functions for degenerate states in magnets with spin s = 1”, Low Temperature Physics, 43:12 (2017), 1368  crossref
  8. A. V. Glushchenko, M. Yu. Kovalevsky, “Spinor order parameter and equilibrium states of spin s = 1 Bose systems”, Low Temperature Physics, 43:9 (2017), 1062  crossref
  9. M.Y. Kovalevsky, A.V. Glushchenko, “Quantum states, symmetry and dynamics in degenerate spin magnets”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 355 (2014), 192  crossref
  10. S. I. Vilchynskyy, A. I. Yakimenko, K. O. Isaieva, A. V. Chumachenko, “The nature of superfluidity and Bose-Einstein condensation: From liquid 4He to dilute ultracold atomic gases (Review Article)”, Low Temperature Physics, 39:9 (2013), 724  crossref