57 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/ufn7244
I.S. Zhukova, A.I. Saichev, “Euler statistics of the density field of passive tracers in incompressible and compressible media”, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 61:5 (1997), 765
V. I. Klyatskin, I. G. Yakushkin, “Statistical theory of the propagation of optical radiation in turbulent media”, J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 84:6 (1997), 1114
A. I. Saichev, W. A. Woyczynski, The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, 85, Stochastic Models in Geosystems, 1997, 359
Gregory Samelsohn, Reuven Mazar, “Asymptotic analysis of classical wave localization in multiple-scattering random media”, Phys. Rev. E, 56:5 (1997), 6095
V. I. Klyatskin, W. A. Woyczynski, The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, 85, Stochastic Models in Geosystems, 1997, 171
V. Klyatskin, D. Gurarie, The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, 85, Stochastic Models in Geosystems, 1997, 149
I. S. Zhukova, A. I. Saichev, “On the probability properties of the density gradient of a randomly moving incompressible medium”, Radiophys Quantum Electron, 39:5 (1996), 398
А. Г. Фокин, “Макроскопическая проводимость случайно-неоднородных сред. Методы расчета”, УФН, 166:10 (1996), 1069–1093
; A. G. Fokin, “Macroscopic conductivity of random inhomogeneous media. Calculation methods”, Phys. Usp., 39:10 (1996), 1009–1032
V. I. Klyatskin, W. A. Woyczynski, D. Gurarie, Stochastic Modelling in Physical Oceanography, 1996, 221
V. I. Klyatskin, W. A. Woyczynski, D. Gurarie, “Diffusing passive tracers in random incompressible flows: Statistical topography aspects”, J Stat Phys, 84:3-4 (1996), 797