72 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/ufn145
Manuel A. Montoya Martínez, Rafael Torres-Córdoba, Evgeni Magid, Edgar A. Martínez-García, “Electromyography-Based Biomechanical Cybernetic Control of a Robotic Fish Avatar”, Machines, 12:2 (2024), 124
Sergei P. Kruchinin, Roberts I. Eglitis, Valery E. Novikov, Andrzej M. Oleś, Steffen Wirth, “Control of Strongly Nonequilibrium Coherently Correlated States and Superconducting Transition Temperature”, Symmetry, 15:9 (2023), 1732
Alexey V. Babenko, Oksana R. Polyakova, Tatyana P. Tovstik, Advanced Structured Materials, 196, Progress in Continuum Mechanics, 2023, 47
Cyncynates D., Giurgica-Tiron T., Simon O., Thompson J.O., “Resonant Nonlinear Pairs in the Axiverse and Their Late-Time Direct and Astrophysical Signatures”, Phys. Rev. D, 105:5 (2022), 055005
Antok D., Fekete T., Tatar L., Bereczki P., Kocso E., “Evaluation Framework For Tensile Measurements, Based on Full-Field Deformation Measurements and Digital Twins”, 4Th International Conference on Structural Integrity (Icsi 2021), Procedia Structural Integrity, 37, eds. Moreira P., Tavares P., Elsevier Science Bv, 2022, 796–803
Boris Andrievsky, Iuliia Zaitceva, “Symmetrical Control Law for Chaotization of Platform Vibrations”, Symmetry, 14:11 (2022), 2460
Tatiana Aleksandrovna Khantuleva, Shock Wave and High Pressure Phenomena, Mathematical Modeling of Shock-Wave Processes in Condensed Matter, 2022, 175
Eremin I.E., Neshchimenko V.V., Shcherban D.S., Fomin V D., “System Modification of the Equation Lorenz-Lorentz-Clausius-Mossotti”, Optik, 231 (2021), 166327
Viktor Sizykh, Aleksei Daneev, Roman Oboltin, “Parametric synthesis of stabilizing neurocular control of a technological module”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2094:5 (2021), 052066
Ekomasov E.G., Nazarov V.N., Gumerov A.M., Samsonov K.Y., Murtazin R.R., “External Magnetic Field Control of the Magnetic Breather Parameters in a Three-Layer Ferromagnetic Structure”, Lett. Mater., 10:2 (2020), 141–146