5 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/ufa290
Robert J. Buckingham, Peter D. Miller, “Large-Degree Asymptotics of Rational Painlevé-IV Solutions by the Isomonodromy Method”, Constr Approx, 56:2 (2022), 233
R. Buckingham, “Large-degree asymptotics of rational Painleve-IV functions associated to generalized Hermite polynomials”, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2020:18 (2020), 5534–5577
Davide Masoero, Pieter Roffelsen, “Poles of Painlevé IV Rationals and their Distribution”, SIGMA, 14 (2018), 002, 49 pp.
Victor Yu. Novokshenov, “Generalized Hermite Polynomials and Monodromy-Free Schrödinger Operators”, SIGMA, 14 (2018), 106, 13 pp.
В. Ю. Новокшенов, “Дискретные интегрируемые уравнения и специальные функции”, Уфимск. матем. журн., 9:3 (2017), 119–131
; V. Yu. Novokshenov, “Discrete integrable equations and special functions”, Ufa Math. J., 9:3 (2017), 118–130