4 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tvt11259
  1. А. Ю. Вараксин, “Гидрогазодинамика и теплофизика двухфазных потоков с твердыми частицами, каплями и пузырями”, ТВТ, 61:6 (2023), 926–948  mathnet  crossref [A. Yu. Varaksin, TVT, 61:6 (2023), 926–948  mathnet]
  2. A. Yu. Varaksin, “Hydrogasdynamics and Thermal Physics of Two-Phase Flows with Solid Particles, Droplets, and Bubbles”, High Temp, 61:6 (2023), 852  crossref
  3. D. A. Tukmakov, “Numerical Simulation of Oscillations of Aerosol with a Low Dispersed Phase Concentration in a Closed Tube by the Continuum Mathematical Model”, Tech. Phys., 67:12 (2022), 764  crossref
  4. T. R. Amanbaev, G. E. Tilleuov, A. Zuparbekova, “Mathematical modeling of dispersed media flows in the presence of nucleation, coagulation and phase transitions”, Bull. Karaganda Univ. -Phys., 2:102 (2021), 14–24  crossref  isi