13 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tvp4781
  1. Rui Wang, Xingzhong Xu, “A Bayesian-motivated test for high-dimensional linear regression models with fixed design matrix”, Stat Papers, 62:4 (2021), 1821  crossref
  2. E. Dumonteil, A. Mazzolo, “Residence times of branching diffusion processes”, Phys. Rev. E, 94:1 (2016)  crossref
  3. В. А. Ватутин, А. М. Зубков, “Памяти Бориса Александровича Севастьянова”, Теория вероятн. и ее примен., 60:1 (2015), 151–162  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus; V. A. Vatutin, A. M. Zubkov, “In memoriam of Boris Aleksandrovich Sevastianov”, Theory Probab. Appl., 60:1 (2016), 162–171  mathnet  crossref
  4. Alessandro Pizzo, David Renfrew, Alexander Soshnikov, “Fluctuations of Matrix Entries of Regular Functions of Wigner Matrices”, J Stat Phys, 146:3 (2012), 550  crossref
  5. F. Götze, A. N. Tikhomirov, “Asymptotic Expansions in Non-central Limit Theorems for Quadratic Forms”, J Theor Probab, 18:4 (2005), 757  crossref
  6. B. Cadre, “On a functional version of the convergence of a quadratic form in independent martingales to a $\chi^2$ distribution”, Теория вероятн. и ее примен., 43:1 (1998), 82–96  mathnet  crossref  isi; B. Cadre, “On a functional version of the convergence of a quadratic form in independent martingales to a $\chi^2$ distribution”, Theory Probab. Appl., 43:1 (1999), 13–25  mathnet  crossref
  7. Kiyosi Itô, Shinzo Watanabe, Selected Papers, 1987, 441  crossref
  8. П. И. Майстер, “Математическое ожидание ветвящегося диффузионного процесса с непрерывным временем”, Теория вероятн. и ее примен., 23:4 (1978), 831–836  mathnet  isi; P. I. Maǐster, “The expectation of a branching diffusion process with continuous time”, Theory Probab. Appl., 23:4 (1979), 801–805  mathnet  crossref
  9. Norman Kaplan, Soren Asmussen, “Branching random walks II”, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 4:1 (1976), 15  crossref
  10. A.W Davis, “Branching-diffusion processes with no absorbing boundaries. I”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 18:2 (1967), 276  crossref