13 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tvp4694
  1. Introduction to Petroleum Seismology, 2018, 1319  crossref
  2. Geoffrey P. Cureton, “Retrieval of Higher Order Ocean Spectral Information From Sunglint”, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 53:1 (2015), 36  crossref
  3. David R. Brillinger, Selected Works of David Brillinger, 2012, 149  crossref
  4. Qing Zhao, Jia Ye, “Quickest Detection in Multiple On–Off Processes”, IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 58:12 (2010), 5994  crossref
  5. Introduction to Petroleum Seismology, 2005, 659  crossref
  6. B. Picinbono, Proceedings of the IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Higher-Order Statistics. SPW-HOS '99, 1999, 320  crossref
  7. Ananthram Swami, Georgios B. Giannakis, Guotong Zhou, “Bibliography on higher-order statistics”, Signal Processing, 60:1 (1997), 65  crossref
  8. B. Picinbono, “Ergodicity and fourth-order spectral moments”, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 43:4 (1997), 1273  crossref
  9. D.R. Willinger, Workshop on Higher-Order Spectral Analysis, 1989, 41  crossref
  10. C.L. Nikias, M.R. Raghuveer, “Bispectrum estimation: A digital signal processing framework”, Proc. IEEE, 75:7 (1987), 869  crossref