37 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tvp4467
Hong Jie Ng, Wen Yu Kon, Ignatius William Primaatmaja, Chao Wang, Charles Lim, “Sampled subblock hashing for large-input randomness extraction”, Phys. Rev. Applied, 21:3 (2024)
М. П. Савелов, “Об одном функционале от числа появившихся неперекрывающихся цепочек исходов полиномиальной схемы и его связи с энтропией”, Матем. заметки, 114:3 (2023), 390–403 ; M. P. Savelov, “On a Functional of the Number of Nonoverlapping Chains Appearing in the Polynomial Scheme and Its Connection with Entropy”, Math. Notes, 114:3 (2023), 339–350
Qifan Song, Faming Liang, “Nearly optimal Bayesian shrinkage for high-dimensional regression”, Sci. China Math., 66:2 (2023), 409
Chao Wang, Ignatius William Primaatmaja, Hong Jie Ng, Jing Yan Haw, Raymond Ho, Jianran Zhang, Gong Zhang, Charles Lim, “Provably-secure quantum randomness expansion with uncharacterised homodyne detection”, Nat Commun, 14:1 (2023)
Cheuk Ting Li, “Infinite Divisibility of Information”, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 68:7 (2022), 4257
Asaf Ferber, Matthew Kwan, Bhargav Narayanan, Ashwin Sah, Mehtaab Sawhney, “Friendly bisections of random graphs”, Comm. Amer. Math. Soc., 2:10 (2022), 380
Ernest Y.-Z. Tan, Pavel Sekatski, Jean-Daniel Bancal, René Schwonnek, Renato Renner, Nicolas Sangouard, Charles C.-W. Lim, “Improved DIQKD protocols with finite-size analysis”, Quantum, 6 (2022), 880
Ding J., Ma Z., Wu Y., Xu J., “Efficient Random Graph Matching Via Degree Profiles”, Probab. Theory Relat. Field, 179:1-2 (2021), 29–115
Short M., “On Binomial Quantile and Proportion Bounds: With Applications in Engineering and Informatics”, Commun. Stat.-Theory Methods, 2021
Kiktenko E., Kudinov M., Bulychev A., Fedorov A., “Proof-of-Forgery For Hash-Based Signatures”, Secrypt 2021: Proceedings of the 18Th International Conference on Security and Cryptography, eds. DiVimercati S., Samarati P., Scitepress, 2021, 333–342