16 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tvp423
Kursat Rasim Mestav, Xinyi Wang, Lang Tong, “A Deep Learning Approach to Anomaly Sequence Detection for High-Resolution Monitoring of Power Systems”, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 38:1 (2023), 4
Chris Groër, Blair D. Sullivan, Steve Poole, “A mathematical analysis of the R‐MAT random graph generator”, Networks, 58:3 (2011), 159
R. T. Smythe, “Generalized Coupon Collection: The Superlinear Case”, J. Appl. Probab., 48:01 (2011), 189
R. T. Smythe, “Generalized Coupon Collection: The Superlinear Case”, Journal of Applied Probability, 48:1 (2011), 189
Pranab Kumar Sen, Handbook of Statistics, 6, Sampling, 1988, 291
H.S Sichel, “Parameter estimation for a word frequency distribution based on occupancy theory”, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 15:3 (1986), 935
Ю. И. Медведев, “Разделимые статистики в полиномиальной схеме. I”, Теория вероятн. и ее примен., 22:1 (1977), 3–17 ; Yu. I. Medvedev, “Decomposable statistics in a polynomial scheme. I”, Theory Probab. Appl., 22:1 (1977), 1–15
Ю. И. Медведев, “Разделимые статистики в полиномиальной схеме. II”, Теория вероятн. и ее примен., 22:3 (1977), 623–631 ; Yu. I. Medvedev, “Decomposable statistics in a polynomial scheme. II”, Theory Probab. Appl., 22:3 (1978), 607–615
Lars Holst, “Asymptotic normality in a generalized occupancy problem”, Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie verw Gebiete, 21:2 (1972), 109
B. Harris, C. J. Park, “The limiting distribution of the sample occupancy numbers from the multinomial distribution with equal cell probabilities”, Ann Inst Stat Math, 23:1 (1971), 125