317 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tvp422
A. Baltrunas, E. Omey, Van Gulck, “Hazard rates and subexponential distributions”, Publ Inst Math (Belgr), 80:94 (2006), 29
Yuebao Wang, Kaiyong Wang, “Asymptotics of the density of the supremum of a random walk with heavy-tailed increments”, Journal of Applied Probability, 43:3 (2006), 874
A. Nagaev, G. Tsitsiashvili, “Tail asymptotics of the th convolution of super-exponential distributions”, Statistics & Probability Letters, 76:9 (2006), 861
E. Omey, F. Mallor, J. Santos, “Multivariate subexponential distributions and random sums of random vectors”, Advances in Applied Probability, 38:4 (2006), 1028
John A. D. Applelby, István Győri, David W. Reynolds, “On exact convergence rates for solutions of linear systems of Volterra difference equations†”, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 12:12 (2006), 1257
Yuebao Wang, Kaiyong Wang, “Asymptotics of the density of the supremum of a random walk with heavy-tailed increments”, J. Appl. Probab., 43:03 (2006), 874
Shimura T., Watanabe T., “Infinite divisibility and generalized subexponentiality”, Bernoulli, 11:3 (2005), 445–469
Cathy H. Xia, Zhen Liu, Mark S. Squillante, Li Zhang, Naceur Malouch, “Web traffic modeling at finer time scales and performance implications”, Performance Evaluation, 61:2-3 (2005), 181
Eric Willekens, Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, 2005
В. В. Шнеер, “Оценки для распределений сумм случайных величин с субэкспоненциальными распределениями”, Сиб. матем. журн., 45:6 (2004), 1401–1420
; V. V. Shneer, “Estimates for the distributions of the sums of subexponential random variables”, Siberian Math. J., 45:6 (2004), 1143–1158