43 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tvp4217
  1. Dou Dou Li, Mei Zhang, Xian Yu Zhang, “Limit Theorems for Critical Galton-Watson Processes with Immigration Stopped at Zero”, Acta. Math. Sin.-English Ser., 40:2 (2024), 435  crossref
  2. Ibrahim Rahimov, “Homogeneous Branching Processes with Non-Homogeneous Immigration”, Stochastics and Quality Control, 36:2 (2021), 165  crossref
  3. Khrystyna Prysyazhnyk, Iryna Bazylevych, Ludmila Mitkova, Iryna Ivanochko, “Period-Life of a Branching Process with Migration and Continuous Time”, Mathematics, 9:8 (2021), 868  crossref
  4. Doudou Li, Vladimir Vatutin, Mei Zhang, “Subcritical branching processes in random environment with immigration stopped at zero”, J. Theor. Probability, 34:2 (2021), 874–896  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus
  5. Junping Li, Lan Cheng, Liuyan Li, “Long time behaviour for Markovian branching-immigration systems”, Discrete Event Dyn Syst, 31:1 (2021), 37  crossref
  6. Dyakonova E. Li D. Vatutin V. Zhang M., “Branching Processes in a Random Environment With Immigration Stopped At Zero”, J. Appl. Probab., 57:1 (2020), PII S0021900219000949, 237–249  crossref  isi
  7. Chen A. Li J. Zhang J., “Branching Collision Processes With Immigration”, Methodol. Comput. Appl. Probab., 22:3 (2020), 1063–1088  crossref  isi
  8. Adam E., “Slow Recurrent Regimes For a Class of One-Dimensional Stochastic Growth Models”, Stoch. Process. Their Appl., 128:9 (2018), 2905–2922  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
  9. Controlled Branching Processes, 2018, 197  crossref
  10. AnYue Chen, Ying Lu, KaiWang Ng, HanJun Zhang, “Markov branching processes with killing and resurrection”, Sci. China Math., 59:3 (2016), 573  crossref