81 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tvp388
Campbell R. Harvey, “Time-Varying Conditional Covariances in Tests of Asset Pricing Models”, SSRN Journal, 1989
Campbell R. Harvey, “Time-varying conditional covariances in tests of asset pricing models”, Journal of Financial Economics, 24:2 (1989), 289
D. R. Jensen, R V. Foutz, “The Structure and Analysis of Spherical Time-Dependent Processes”, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 49:6 (1989), 1834
Helmut Brehm, Walter Stammler, “Description and generation of spherically invariant speech-model signals”, Signal Processing, 12:2 (1987), 119
D. R. Jensen, “The Structure of Ellipsoidal Distributions, II. Principal Components”, Biometrical J, 28:3 (1986), 363
Morris L. Eaton, “A characterization of spherical distributions”, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 20:2 (1986), 272
D. R. Jensen, “The Structure of Ellipsoidal Distributions I. Canonical Analysis”, Biometrical J, 26:7 (1984), 779
И. В. Козин, “Разложение Лебега для сферически инвариантных мер”, Теория вероятн. и ее примен., 28:3 (1983), 575–578
; I. V. Kozin, “Lebesgue's expansion for spherically invariant measures”, Theory Probab. Appl., 28:3 (1984), 606–610
H. Brehm, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 969, Combinatorial Theory, 1982, 39
Clyde D. Hardin, “On the linearity of regression”, Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie verw. Gebiete, 61:3 (1982), 293