57 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tvp3103
Steven P. Lalley, “Cycle structure of riffle shuffles”, Ann. Probab., 24:1 (1996)
Н. В. Цилевич, “Распределение длин циклов бесконечных перестановок”, Зап. научн. сем. ПОМИ, 223 (1995), 148–161
; N. V. Tsilevich, “Distribution of cycle lengths of infinite permutations”, J. Math. Sci. (New York), 87:6 (1997), 4072–4081
Persi Diaconis, Michael Mc Grath, Jim Pitman, “Riffle shuffles, cycles, and descents”, Combinatorica, 15:1 (1995), 11
В. И. Арнольд, М. Ш. Бирман, И. М. Гельфанд, И. А. Ибрагимов, С. В. Керов, А. А. Кириллов, О. А. Ладыженская, Г. А. Леонов, А. А. Лодкин, С. П. Новиков, Я. Г. Синай, М. З. Соломяк, Л. Д. Фаддеев, “Анатолий Моисеевич Вершик (к шестидесятилетию со дня рождения)”, УМН, 49:3(297) (1994), 195–204
; V. I. Arnol'd, M. Sh. Birman, I. M. Gel'fand, I. A. Ibragimov, S. V. Kerov, A. A. Kirillov, O. A. Ladyzhenskaya, G. A. Leonov, A. A. Lodkin, S. P. Novikov, Ya. G. Sinai, M. Z. Solomyak, L. D. Faddeev, “Anatolii Moiseevich Vershik (on his sixtieth birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 49:3 (1994), 207–221
Jennie C. Hansen, “Order statistics for decomposable combinatorial structures”, Random Struct Algorithms, 5:4 (1994), 517
Alexandru Nica, “On the number of cycles of given length of a free word in several random permutations”, Random Struct Algorithms, 5:5 (1994), 703
Mihael Perman, “Order statistics for jumps of normalised subordinators”, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 46:2 (1993), 267
Mihael Perman, Jim Pitman, Marc Yor, “Size-biased sampling of Poisson point processes and excursions”, Probab. Th. Rel. Fields, 92:1 (1992), 21
W. J. Ewens, Mathematical and Statistical Developments of Evolutionary Theory, 1990, 177
Peter Donnelly, Paul Joyce, “Continuity and weak convergence of ranked and size-biased permutations on the infinite simplex”, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 31:1 (1989), 89