16 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tvp2466
Alexander Nazarov, Yulia Petrova, “L2-small ball asymptotics for Gaussian random functions: A survey”, Probab. Surveys, 20:none (2023)
Salkeld W., “Small Ball Probabilities, Metric Entropy and Gaussian Rough Paths”, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 506:2 (2022), 125697
Jiang Sh., Tokdar S.T., “Variable Selection Consistency of Gaussian Process Regression”, Ann. Stat., 49:5 (2021), 2491–2505
Sottinen T., Viitasaari L., “Transfer Principle For Nth Order Fractional Brownian Motion With Applications to Prediction and Equivalence in Law”, Theory Probab. Math. Stat., 98 (2018), 188–204
Ibragimov I.A. Lifshits M.A. Nazarov A.I. Zaporozhets D.N., “On the History of St. Petersburg School of Probability and Mathematical Statistics: II. Random Processes and Dependent Variables”, Vestn. St Petersb. Univ.-Math., 51:3 (2018), 213–236
Karol' Andrei I., Nazarov A.I., “Small Ball Probabilities For Smooth Gaussian Fields and Tensor Products of Compact Operators”, Math. Nachr., 287:5-6 (2014), 595–609
А. И. Назаров, Р. С. Пусев, “Теоремы сравнения для вероятностей малых уклонений весовых $L_2$-норм гриновских гауссовских процессов”, Алгебра и анализ, 25:3 (2013), 131–146 ; A. I. Nazarov, R. S. Pusev, “Comparison theorems for the small ball probabilities of the Green Gaussian processes in weighted $L_2$-norms”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 25:3 (2014), 455–466
Kley O., “Kuelbs–Li Inequalities and Metric Entropy of Convex Hulls”, J. Theor. Probab., 26:3 (2013), 649–665
Aurzada F., Gao F., Kuehn T., Li W.V., Shao Q.-M., “Small Deviations for a Family of Smooth Gaussian Processes”, J. Theor. Probab., 26:1 (2013), 153–168
Я. Ю. Никитин, Р. С. Пусев, “Точная асимптотика малых уклонений для ряда броуновских функционалов”, Теория вероятн. и ее примен., 57:1 (2012), 98–123 ; Ya. Yu. Nikitin, R. S. Pusev, “The exact asymptotic of small deviations for a series of Brownian functionals”, Theory Probab. Appl., 57:1 (2013), 60–81