6 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tvp2329
  1. Uygun Jamilov, Farrukh Mukhamedov, Farzona Mukhamedova, Abdessatar Souissi, “Dynamics of nonlinear stochastic operators and associated Markov measures”, Math Methods in App Sciences, 2024  crossref
  2. Nachi Avraham-Re'em, “Equivalence–Singularity Dichotomy in Markov Measures”, J Theor Probab, 36:3 (2023), 1437  crossref
  3. Farrukh Mukhamedov, Otabek Khakimov, “Absolute continuity of non-homogeneous Gibbs measures of the Ising model on the Cayley tree”, Nonlinearity, 36:10 (2023), 5265  crossref
  4. Nachi Avraham-Re'em, “On absolutely continuous invariant measures and Krieger-type of Markov subshifts”, JAMA, 147:1 (2022), 201  crossref
  5. Genevieve Mortiss, “Average co-ordinate entropy”, J. Aust. Math. Soc., 73:2 (2002), 171  crossref
  6. Hiroshi Sato, “ABSOLUTE CONTINUITY OF LOCALLY EQUIVALENT MARKOV CHAINS”, Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University. Series A, Mathematics, 45:2 (1991), 285  crossref