22 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tvp2296
  1. В. М. Абрамов, Б. М. Миллер, Е. Я. Рубинович, П. Ю. Чиганский, “Развитие теории стохастического управления и фильтрации в работах Р. Ш. Липцера”, Автомат. и телемех., 2020, № 3, 3–13  mathnet  crossref
  2. S. Y. Novak, “Poisson approximation”, Probab. Surveys, 16:none (2019)  crossref
  3. Hye-Won Kang, Thomas G. Kurtz, “Separation of time-scales and model reduction for stochastic reaction networks”, Ann. Appl. Probab., 23:2 (2013)  crossref
  4. James Ledoux, “A Poisson Limit Theorem for Reliability Models Based on Markov Chains”, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 35:1 (2006), 173  crossref
  5. Jean-Bernard Gravereaux, James Ledoux, “Poisson approximation for some point processes in reliability”, Advances in Applied Probability, 36:2 (2004), 455  crossref
  6. James Ledoux, Handbook of Reliability Engineering, 2003, 213  crossref
  7. Aihua Xia, “Poisson approximation, compensators and coupling”, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 18:1 (2000), 159  crossref
  8. Bronius Grigelionis, “On mixed poisson processes and martingales”, Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 1998:1 (1998), 81  crossref
  9. G.B. Di masi, M.Kabanov Yu, “A first order approximation forthe convergence of distributionsof the cox processes with”, Stochastics and Stochastic Reports, 54:3-4 (1995), 211  crossref
  10. Hans-Jürgen Witte, “On the optimality of multivariate Poisson approximation”, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 44:1 (1993), 75  crossref