16 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tvp1653
  1. Mihyun Kang, Michael Missethan, “Longest and shortest cycles in random planar graphs”, Random Struct Algorithms, 60:3 (2022), 462  crossref
  2. Michał Karoński, Andrzej Ruciński, The Mathematics of Paul Erdős I, 2013, 371  crossref
  3. Andrea Baronchelli, Maddalena Felici, Vittorio Loreto, Emanuele Caglioti, Luc Steels, “Sharp transition towards shared vocabularies in multi-agent systems”, J. Stat. Mech., 2006:06 (2006), P06014  crossref
  4. Malwina Luczak, Tomasz Łuczak, “The phase transition in the cluster‐scaled model of a random graph”, Random Struct Algorithms, 28:2 (2006), 215  crossref
  5. Réka Albert, Albert-László Barabási, “Statistical mechanics of complex networks”, Rev. Mod. Phys., 74:1 (2002), 47  crossref
  6. Boris Pittel, “On the Largest Component of the Random Graph at a Nearcritical Stage”, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 82:2 (2001), 237  crossref
  7. David J. Aldous, Boris Pittel, “On a random graph with immigrating vertices: Emergence of the giant component”, Random Struct. Alg., 17:2 (2000), 79  crossref
  8. Béla Bollobás, “To Prove and Conjecture: Paul Erdős and His Mathematics”, The American Mathematical Monthly, 105:3 (1998), 209  crossref
  9. Micha Karoński, Andrzej Ruciński, Algorithms and Combinatorics, 13, The Mathematics of Paul Erdös I, 1997, 311  crossref
  10. J. Delaurentis, “Appearance of complex components in a random bigraph”, Random Struct Algorithms, 7:4 (1995), 311  crossref