91 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf6637
С. А. Назаров, “Рассеяние упругих волн на малых частотах в бесконечной пластине Кирхгофа”, Математические вопросы теории распространения волн. 49, Зап. научн. сем. ПОМИ, 483, ПОМИ, СПб., 2019, 142–177
Nazarov S.A., “Strange Behavior of Natural Oscillations of An Elastic Body With a Blunted Peak”, Mech. Sol., 54:5 (2019), 694–708
Zhevandrov P., Merzon A., Romero Rodriguez M.I., De la Paz Mendez J.E., “Wave Scattering By a Periodic Perturbation: Embedded Rayleigh-Bloch Modes and Resonances”, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 70:5 (2019), 154
Nazarov S.A., “Infinite Kirchhoff Plate on a Compact Elastic Foundation May Have An Arbitrarily Small Eigenvalue”, Dokl. Math., 100:2 (2019), 491–495
Bonnet-Ben Dhia A.-S., Chesnel L., Nazarov S.A., “Perfect Transmission Invisibility For Waveguides With Sound Hard Walls”, J. Math. Pures Appl., 111 (2018), 79–105
Cardone G. Durante T. Nazarov S.A., “Embedded Eigenvalues of the Neumann Problem in a Strip With a Box-Shaped Perturbation”, J. Math. Pures Appl., 112 (2018), 1–40
Piat V.Ch. Nazarov S.A. Taskinen J., “Embedded Eigenvalues Forwater-Waves in Athree-Dimensional Channel With Athin Screen”, Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 71:2 (2018), 187–220
Chesnel L., Pagneux V., “Simple Examples of Perfectly Invisible and Trapped Modes in Waveguides”, Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 71:3 (2018), 297–315
Chesnel L., Nazarov S.A., Pagneux V., “Invisibility and Perfect Reflectivity in Waveguides With Finite Length Branches”, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 78:4 (2018), 2176–2199
С. А. Назаров, “О прохождении волн через малое отверстие в перегородке акустического волновода”, Сиб. матем. журн., 59:1 (2018), 110–129
; S. A. Nazarov, “Transmission of waves through a small aperture in the cross-wall in an acoustic waveguide”, Siberian Math. J., 59:1 (2018), 85–101