96 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf5718
  1. N Kitanine, K K Kozlowski, J M Maillet, N A Slavnov, V Terras, “A form factor approach to the asymptotic behavior of correlation functions in critical models”, J. Stat. Mech., 2011:12 (2011), P12010  crossref
  2. K. K. Kozlowski, “On form factors of the conjugated field in the nonlinear Schrödinger model”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 52:8 (2011)  crossref
  3. N Kitanine, K K Kozlowski, J M Maillet, N A Slavnov, V Terras, “The thermodynamic limit of particle–hole form factors in the masslessXXZHeisenberg chain”, J. Stat. Mech., 2011:05 (2011), P05028  crossref
  4. Aditya Shashi, Leonid I. Glazman, Jean-Sébastien Caux, Adilet Imambekov, “Nonuniversal prefactors in the correlation functions of one-dimensional quantum liquids”, Phys. Rev. B, 84:4 (2011)  crossref
  5. Balázs Pozsgay, “Local correlations in the 1D Bose gas from a scaling limit of the XXZ chain”, J. Stat. Mech., 2011:11 (2011), P11017  crossref
  6. Gritsev V., Rostunov T., Demler E., “Exact methods in the analysis of the non-equilibrium dynamics of integrable models: application to the study of correlation functions for non-equilibrium 1D Bose gas”, J Stat Mech Theory Exp, 2010, P05012  isi
  7. Vladimir Gritsev, Timofei Rostunov, Eugene Demler, “Exact methods in the analysis of the non-equilibrium dynamics of integrable models: application to the study of correlation functions for non-equilibrium 1D Bose gas”, J. Stat. Mech., 2010:05 (2010), P05012  crossref
  8. M Kormos, G Mussardo, B Pozsgay, “Bethe ansatz matrix elements as non-relativistic limits of form factors of quantum field theory”, J. Stat. Mech., 2010:05 (2010), P05014  crossref
  9. Jean-Sébastien Caux, “Correlation functions of integrable models: A description of the ABACUS algorithm”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 50:9 (2009)  crossref
  10. N. Kitanine, K. K. Kozlowski, J. M. Maillet, N. A. Slavnov, V. Terras, “On the thermodynamic limit of form factors in the massless XXZ Heisenberg chain”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 50:9 (2009)  crossref