175 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf5277
Zohar Komargodski, Tin Sulejmanpasic, Mithat Ünsal, “Walls, anomalies, and deconfinement in quantum antiferromagnets”, Phys. Rev. B, 97:5 (2018)
Anton Alekseev, Florian Naef, Xiaomeng Xu, Chenchang Zhu, “Chern–Simons, Wess–Zumino and other cocycles from Kashiwara–Vergne and associators”, Lett Math Phys, 108:3 (2018), 757
Patrick Draper, “Domain walls and the
anomaly in softly broken supersymmetric QCD”, Phys. Rev. D, 97:8 (2018)
Lukas Müller, Richard J. Szabo, “Extended Quantum Field Theory, Index Theory, and the Parity Anomaly”, Commun. Math. Phys., 362:3 (2018), 1049
Л. А. Тахтаджян, А. Ю. Алексеев, И. Я. Арефьева, М. А. Семенов-Тян-Шанский, Е. К. Склянин, Ф. А. Смирнов, С. Л. Шаташвили, “Научное наследие Л. Д. Фаддеева. Обзор работ”, УМН, 72:6(438) (2017), 3–112
; L. A. Takhtajan, A. Yu. Alekseev, I. Ya. Aref'eva, M. A. Semenov-Tian-Shansky, E. K. Sklyanin, F. A. Smirnov, S. L. Shatashvili, “Scientific heritage of L. D. Faddeev. Survey of papers”, Russian Math. Surveys, 72:6 (2017), 977–1081
Sergei Gukov, “Trisecting non-Lagrangian theories”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2017:11 (2017)
Leon A. Takhtajan, “Explicit computation of the Chern character forms”, Geom Dedicata, 181:1 (2016), 223
Samuel Monnier, “Hamiltonian Anomalies from Extended Field Theories”, Commun. Math. Phys., 338:3 (2015), 1327
Eric Sharpe, “Notes on generalized global symmetries in QFT”, Fortschritte der Physik, 63:11-12 (2015), 659
Gustavo M. Monteiro, Alexander G. Abanov, V. P. Nair, “Hydrodynamics with gauge anomaly: Variational principle and Hamiltonian formulation”, Phys. Rev. D, 91:12 (2015)