23 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf4773
И. Л. Бухбиндер, Н. Г. Плетнёв, “Однопетлевое эффективное действие в $\mathcal N=2$ суперсимметричной теории массивного поля Янга–Миллса”, ТМФ, 157:1 (2008), 22–40 ; I. L. Buchbinder, N. G. Pletnev, “One-loop effective action in the $\mathcal N=2$ supersymmetric
massive Yang–Mills field theory”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 157:1 (2008), 1383–1398
Bogusław Broda, Piotr Bronowski, Marcin Ostrowski, Michał Szanecki, “Quantization of four-dimensional Abelian gravity”, Physics Letters B, 655:3-4 (2007), 178
Geyer, B, “Gauge models in modified triplectic quantization”, International Journal of Modern Physics A, 16:26 (2001), 4297
P.M. Lavrov, P.Yu. Moshin, “Physical unitarity in the Lagrangian Sp(2)-symmetric formalism”, Nuclear Physics B, 486:3 (1997), 565
Joaquim Gomis, Jordi París, Stuart Samuel, “Antibracket, antifields and gauge-theory quantization”, Physics Reports, 259:1-2 (1995), 1
С. А. Фролов, “БРСТ-квантование калибровочных теорий в гамильтоново-подобных калибровках”, ТМФ, 87:2 (1991), 188–206 ; S. A. Frolov, “BRST quantization of gauge theories in Hamiltonian-like gauges”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 87:2 (1991), 464–477
M. Baker, James S. Ball, F. Zachariasen, “Unitarity in dual QCD”, Phys. Rev. D, 44:8 (1991), 2578
А. А. Славнов, С. А. Фролов, “Лагранжево БРСТ-квантование и унитарность”, ТМФ, 85:3 (1990), 323–348 ; A. A. Slavnov, S. A. Frolov, “Lagrangian BRST quantization and unitarity”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 85:3 (1990), 1237–1255
N.K. Nielsen, “Quantum equivalence of four-dimensional nonlinear σ-model and antisymmetric tensor model”, Nuclear Physics B, 332:2 (1990), 391
S.A. Frolov, A.A. Slavnov, “Construction of the effective action for general gauge theories via unitarity”, Nuclear Physics B, 347:1-2 (1990), 333