143 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf4701
Aroonima Sahoo, Kishor Chandra Pati, “Controllability and Observability of Linear Time-Invariant Control System on Superspace”, J Dyn Control Syst, 2024
Anurag Dutta, K. Lakshmanan, Sanjeev Kumar, A. Ramamoorthy, “Newtonian Physics Informed Neural Network (NwPiNN) for Spatio-Temporal Forecast of Visual Data”, Hum-Cent Intell Syst, 2024
Vladimir V. Kassandrov, Joseph A. Rizcallah, Ivan A. Matveev, “Algebrodynamics: Shear-Free Null Congruences and New Types of Electromagnetic Fields”, Axioms, 12:11 (2023), 1061
Anselmo Torresblanca-Badillo, “On some generalizations of non-archimedean pseudo-differential operators and their applications”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 512:2 (2022), 126168
E. N. Sattorov, F. E. Ermamatova, “Carleman's Formula for Solutions of Generalized Cauchy–Riemann Systems in Multidimensional Spatial Domains”, J Math Sci, 265:1 (2022), 90
Sergey Bondarenko, “Dynamical Signature: Complex Manifolds, Gauge Fields and Non-Flat Tangent Space”, Universe, 8:10 (2022), 497
Э. Н. Сатторов, Ф. Э. Эрмаматова, “О продолжении решений обобщенной системы Коши–Римана в многомерной пространственной бесконечной области”, Изв. вузов. Матем., 2021, № 2, 27–43
; E. N. Sattorov, F. E. Ermamatova, “On continuation of solutions of generalized Cauchy–Riemann system in an unbounded subdomain of multidimensional space”, Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 65:2 (2021), 22–38
Э. Н. Сатторов, Ф. Э. Эрмаматова, “О восстановлении решений обобщенной системы Коши–Римана
в многомерной пространственной области по их значениям на куске
границы этой области”, Матем. заметки, 110:3 (2021), 405–423
; È. N. Sattorov, F. E. Ermamatova, “On the Recovery of Solutions of a Generalized Cauchy–Riemann System in a Multidimensional Spatial Domain from Their Values on a Piece of the Boundary of This Domain”, Math. Notes, 110:3 (2021), 393–408
Ismael Gutiérrez-García, Anselmo Torresblanca-Badillo, “Probability density functions and the dynamics of complex systems associated to some classes of non-archimedean pseudo-differential operators”, J. Pseudo-Differ. Oper. Appl., 12:1 (2021)
Vladimir Anashin, STEAM-H: Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Mathematics & Health, Advances in Non-Archimedean Analysis and Applications, 2021, 9