15 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf4593
Ndogmo J.C., “Integrable Classes of a Family of Evolution Equations”, J. Math. Phys., 63:1 (2022), 011510
Adler V.E. Sokolov V.V., “Non-Abelian Evolution Systems With Conservation Laws”, Math. Phys. Anal. Geom., 24:1 (2021), 7
A.V. Mikhailov, V.V. Sokolov, Lecture Notes in Physics, 767, Integrability, 2009, 19
Novikov, VS, “Symmetry structure of integrable nonevolutionary equations”, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 119:4 (2007), 393
Tsuchida, T, “Classification of polynomial integrable systems of mixed scalar and vector evolution equations: I”, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and General, 38:35 (2005), 7691
А. М. Агаларов, Р. М. Магомедмирзаев, “Нетривиальный класс смешанных $U(\sigma+\mu)$-векторных солитонов”, Письма в ЖЭТФ, 76:7 (2002), 488–492 ; A. M. Agalarov, R. M. Magomedmirzaev, “Nontrivial class of composite $U(\sigma+\mu)$ vector solitons”, JETP Letters, 76:7 (2002), 414–418
A. V. Mikhailov, A. B. Shabat, V. V. Sokolov, Springer Series in Nonlinear Dynamics, What Is Integrability?, 1991, 115
R. K. Dodd, “Fundamental representations of the m-principal realization of g
l∞”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 31:3 (1990), 533
О. И. Мохов, “Коммутирующие дифференциальные операторы ранга 3 и нелинейные уравнения”, Изв. АН СССР. Сер. матем., 53:6 (1989), 1291–1315 ; O. I. Mokhov, “Commuting differential operators of rank 3, and nonlinear differential equations”, Math. USSR-Izv., 35:3 (1990), 629–655
Mauro L. Rabelo, “On Equations Which Describe Pseudospherical Surfaces”, Stud Appl Math, 81:3 (1989), 221