30 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf4406
Н. А. Кикнадзе, А. А. Хелашвили, “Условие Лежандра и вопрос стабилизации классических солитонных решений в обобщенных моделях Скирма”, ТМФ, 83:1 (1990), 51–56
; N. A. Kiknadze, A. A. Khelashvili, “Legendre condition and the stabilization problem for classical soliton solutions in generalized Skyrme models”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 83:1 (1990), 373–377
Josef A. Zuk, “Gradient expansion of the one-loop effective Lagrangian for chiral fermions”, Z. Phys. C - Particles and Fields, 29:2 (1985), 303
Ю. Н. Кафиев, “Однопетлевые поправки в $O(5)$ модели Скирма”, ТМФ, 61:2 (1984), 267–283
; Yu. N. Kafiev, “One-loop corrections in the O(5) Skyrme model”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 61:2 (1984), 1133–1144
Б. А. Путко, “О редукции келеровой киральной модели”, ТМФ, 50:1 (1982), 108–117
; B. A. Putko, “Reduction of Kählerian chiral model”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 50:1 (1982), 69–75
Yu.N. Kafiev, “Massive Yang-Mills fields: Gauge invariance and one-loop counterterm”, Nuclear Physics B, 201:2 (1982), 341
David G Boulware, Lowell S Brown, “Symmetric space scalar field theory”, Annals of Physics, 138:2 (1982), 392
B. A. Putko, “Some geometrical aspects of reduction chiral models”, Lett Math Phys, 5:5 (1981), 423
D. Ebert, M. K. Volkov, “Meson Interactions within Nonlinear Chiral Theories”, Fortschr. Phys., 29:2 (1981), 35
G. Venturi, “A geometrical formulation of electrodynamics”, Nuov Cim A, 65:1 (1981), 64
Daniel Z. Freedman, P.K. Townsend, “Antisymmetric tensor gauge theories and non-linear σ-models”, Nuclear Physics B, 177:2 (1981), 282