317 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf4141
Noel Swanson, “A philosopher's guide to the foundations of quantum field theory”, Philosophy Compass, 12:5 (2017)
Andrzej Herdegen, “Asymptotic structure of electrodynamics revisited”, Lett Math Phys, 107:8 (2017), 1439
Cesar Gomez, Raoul Letschka, “Memory and the infrared”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2017:10 (2017)
Mehrdad Mirbabayi, Massimo Porrati, “Dressed Hard States and Black Hole Soft Hair”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 117:21 (2016)
Barak Gabai, Amit Sever, “Large gauge symmetries and asymptotic states in QED”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2016:12 (2016)
William Donnelly, Steven B. Giddings, “Diffeomorphism-invariant observables and their nonlocal algebra”, Phys. Rev. D, 93:2 (2016)
Giovanni Morchio, Franco Strocchi, “The Infrared Problem in QED: A Lesson from a Model with Coulomb Interaction and Realistic Photon Emission”, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 17:10 (2016), 2699
“Основные научные труды Петра Петровича Кулиша”, Вопросы квантовой теории поля и статистической физики. 23, Зап. научн. сем. ПОМИ, 433, ПОМИ, СПб., 2015, 8–19
Wolfgang Kilian, Marco Sekulla, Thorsten Ohl, Jürgen Reuter, “High-energy vector boson scattering after the Higgs boson discovery”, Phys. Rev. D, 91:9 (2015)
Miguel Campiglia, Alok Laddha, “Asymptotic symmetries of QED and Weinberg's soft photon theorem”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2015:7 (2015)