162 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf36
Vernov, SY, “Localization of nonlocal cosmological models with quadratic potentials in the case of double roots”, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 27:3 (2010), 035006
Calcagni G., Nardelli G., “String theory as a diffusing system”, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010, no. 2, 093
И. Я. Арефьева, “Струнная теория поля: от физики высоких энергий до космологии”, ТМФ, 163:3 (2010), 355–365
; I. Ya. Aref'eva, “String field theory: From high energy to cosmology”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 163:3 (2010), 697–704
Kh. A. Khachatryan, “On solvability of some classes of Urysohn nonlinear integral equations with noncompact operators”, Уфимск. матем. журн., 2:2 (2010), 102–117
Biswas T., Cembranos J.A.R., Kapusta J.I., “Thermodynamics and cosmological constant of non-local field theories from p-adic strings”, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010, no. 10, 048
Gorka P., Prado H., Reyes E.G., “The Laplace Transform in the Study of Equations with Infinitely Many Derivatives”, Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1281, 2010, 436–439
Gorka P., Prado H., Reyes E.G., “Functional calculus via Laplace transform and equations with infinitely many derivatives”, J Math Phys, 51:10 (2010), 103512
Biswas T., Cembranos J.A.R., Kapusta J.I., “Finite temperature solitons in nonlocal field theories from p-adic strings”, Phys Rev D, 82:8 (2010), 085028
Barnaby, N, “Dynamics and stability of light-like tachyon condensation”, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009, no. 3, 018
В. С. Владимиров, “О нелинейных уравнениях $p$-адических струн для скалярных полей тахионов”, Избранные вопросы математической физики и $p$-адического анализа, Сборник статей, Труды МИАН, 265, МАИК «Наука/Интерпериодика», М., 2009, 254–272
; V. S. Vladimirov, “On Nonlinear Equations of $p$-adic Strings for Scalar Tachyon Fields”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 265 (2009), 242–261