583 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf2888
O. Tsyplyatyev, “Splitting of the Fermi point of strongly interacting electrons in one dimension: A nonlinear effect of spin-charge separation”, Phys. Rev. B, 105:12 (2022)
Ana L Retore, “Introduction to classical and quantum integrability”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 55:17 (2022), 173001
Guang-Liang Li, Xiaotian Xu, Kun Hao, Pei Sun, Junpeng Cao, Wen-Li Yang, Kang jie Shi, Yupeng Wang, “Exact solution of the quantum integrable model associated with the twisted $ {\mathrm{D}}_3^{(2)} $ algebra”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2022:3 (2022)
Hao Pei, Véronique Terras, “On scalar products and form factors by separation of variables: the antiperiodic XXZ model”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 55:1 (2022), 015205
Loïc Poulain d'Andecy, “Fusion for the Yang–Baxter equation and the braid group”, Winter Braids Lecture Notes, 7 (2022), 1
Guang-Liang Li, Yi Qiao, Junpeng Cao, Wen-Li Yang, Kangjie Shi, Yupeng Wang, “Exact surface energy of the D2(1) spin chain with generic non-diagonal boundary reflections”, Nuclear Physics B, 984 (2022), 115946
Leon A. Takhtajan, “Ludwig Dmitrievich Faddeev. 23 March 1934—26 February 2017”, Biogr. Mems Fell. R. Soc., 73 (2022), 251
Hugo Duminil-Copin, Karol Kajetan Kozlowski, Dmitry Krachun, Ioan Manolescu, Tatiana Tikhonovskaia, “On the Six-Vertex Model's Free Energy”, Commun. Math. Phys., 395:3 (2022), 1383
G Niccoli, V Terras, “Correlation functions for open XXZ spin 1/2 quantum chains with unparallel boundary magnetic fields”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 55:40 (2022), 405203
Anatolij K. Prykarpatski, “Quantum Current Algebra in Action: Linearization, Integrability of Classical and Factorization of Quantum Nonlinear Dynamical Systems”, Universe, 8:5 (2022), 288