583 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf2888
Frank Göhmann, Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, 2025, 38
Shinsuke Iwao, Kohei Motegi, Ryo Ohkawa, “Tetrahedron equation and Schur functions”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 58:1 (2025), 015201
Yuuya Chiba, “Proof of absence of local conserved quantities in the mixed-field Ising chain”, Phys. Rev. B, 109:3 (2024)
Gleb A. Kotousov, Sylvain Lacroix, Jörg Teschner, “Integrable Sigma Models at RG Fixed Points: Quantisation as Affine Gaudin Models”, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 25:1 (2024), 843
В. Г. Бардаков, Б. Б. Чужинов, И. А. Емельяненков, М. Э. Иванов, Т. А. Козловская, В. Э. Лешков, “Теоретико – множественные решения уравнений $n$ – симплексов”, Матем. тр., 27:1 (2024), 5–72
; V. G. Bardakov, B. B. Chuzinov, I. A. Emelyanenkov, M. E. Ivanov, T. A. Kozlovskaya, V. È. Leshkov, “Set theoretical solutions of equations of $n$ – simplexes”, Siberian Adv. Math., 34:1 (2024), 1–40
F Delduc, B Hoare, M Magro, “Towards a quadratic Poisson algebra for the subtracted classical monodromy of symmetric space sine-Gordon theories”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 57:6 (2024), 065401
T.S. Tavares, I.R. Passos, A. Klümper, “Canonical formulation for the thermodynamics of sl-invariant integrable spin chains”, Nuclear Physics B, 998 (2024), 116417
Giuliano Niccoli, Véronique Terras, “On correlation functions for the open XXZ chain with non-longitudinal boundary fields: The case with a constraint”, SciPost Phys., 16:4 (2024)
Karol K. Kozlowski, Véronique Terras, “Multi-point Correlation Functions in the Boundary XXZ Chain at Finite Temperature”, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 25:1 (2024), 1007
Rui An, Zhaowen Yan, “The generalization of strong anisotropic XXZ model and UC hierarchy”, Anal.Math.Phys., 14:2 (2024)