297 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf2538
  1. S. Takeno, S. Homma, “Classical Planar Heisenberg Ferromagnet, Complex Scalar Field and Nonlinear Excitations”, Progress of Theoretical Physics, 65:1 (1981), 172  crossref
  2. H. C. Fogedby, “Classical and quantum aspects of the continuous Heisenberg chain atT=0”, Z. Physik B - Condensed Matter, 41:2 (1981), 115  crossref
  3. E. Berkcan, L. N. Cooper, Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, 23, Physics in One Dimension, 1981, 59  crossref
  4. В. С. Герджиков, М. И. Иванов, П. П. Кулиш, “Квадратичный пучок и нелинейные уравнения”, ТМФ, 44:3 (1980), 342–357  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; V. S. Gerdjikov, M. I. Ivanov, P. P. Kulish, “Quadratic bundle and nonlinear equations”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 44:3 (1980), 784–795  crossref  isi
  5. Lecture Notes in Physics, 131, Theoretical Aspects of Mainly Low Dimensional Magnetic Systems, 1980, 100  crossref
  6. H C Fogedby, “The spectrum of the continuous isotropic quantum Heisenberg chain: quantum solitons as magnon bound states”, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys., 13:9 (1980), L195  crossref
  7. Sophocles J. Orfanidis, “σmodels of nonlinear evolution equations”, Phys. Rev. D, 21:6 (1980), 1513  crossref
  8. M. Lakshmanan, R.K. Bullough, “Geometry of generalised nonlinear Schrödinger and Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin equations with linearly x-dependent coefficients”, Physics Letters A, 80:4 (1980), 287  crossref
  9. H C Fogedby, “Magnon-Soliton Phase Shift Analysis of the Classical Continuous Heisenberg Chain”, Phys. Scr., 22:4 (1980), 404  crossref
  10. V. S. Gerdjikov, P. P. Kulish, M. I. Ivanov, Lecture Notes in Physics, 116, Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics, 1980, 244  crossref