41 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf2529
Daniel Z. Freedman, “Spatial geometry of Hamiltonian gauge theories”, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 39:2-3 (1995), 477
Anton Yu. Alekseev, Peter Schaller, Thomas Strobl, “TopologicalG/GWZW model in the generalized momentum representation”, Phys. Rev. D, 52:12 (1995), 7146
Michel Bauer, Daniel Z. Freedman, Peter E. Haagensen, “Spatial geometry of the electric field representation of non-abelian gauge theories”, Nuclear Physics B, 428:1-2 (1994), 147
Martin Lavelle, David McMullan, “Perturbative and non-perturbative quarks and gluons”, Physics Letters B, 329:1 (1994), 68
H. Itoyama, B. Razzaghe-Ashrafi, “Ground-state structure of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory”, Nuclear Physics B, 354:1 (1991), 85
С. В. Шабанов, “О квантовой механике систем с калибровочной группой”, ТМФ, 78:3 (1989), 411–421
; S. V. Shabanov, “Quantum mechanics of systems with a gauge group”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 78:3 (1989), 292–300
P. Mansfield, “Dynamical mass generation in three-dimensional Yang-Mills theory”, Nuclear Physics B, 272:2 (1986), 439
G.K. Savvidy, “Yang-Mills quantum mechanics”, Physics Letters B, 159:4-6 (1985), 325
Ю. В. Новожилов, “Метод функционалов Фока и калибровочная инвариантность”, ТМФ, 60:3 (1984), 372–386
; Yu. V. Novozhilov, “Fock functional method and gauge invariance”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 60:3 (1984), 881–890
A. Burnel, “Choice of a gauge in the light of Dirac quantization”, Phys. Rev. D, 26:2 (1982), 442