16 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf154
Valentin Irtegov, Tatyana Titorenko, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8136, Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, 2013, 179
Д. В. Новиков, “Топологические особенности интегрируемого случая Соколова на алгебре Ли $\mathrm{e}(3)$”, Матем. сб., 202:5 (2011), 127–160
; D. V. Novikov, “Topological features of the Sokolov integrable case on the Lie algebra $\mathrm{e}(3)$”, Sb. Math., 202:5 (2011), 749–781
Irtegov V., Titorenko T., “On the peculiar properties of families of invariant manifolds of conservative systems”, Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4770, 2007, 195–210
Valentin D. Irtegov, Tatyana N. Titorenko, “On One Approach to Investigation of Mechanical Systems”, SIGMA, 2 (2006), 049, 20 pp.
П. В. Морозов, “Топология слоений Лиувилля случаев интегрируемости Стеклова и Соколова уравнений Кирхгофа”, Матем. сб., 195:3 (2004), 69–114
; P. V. Morozov, “Topology of Liouville foliations in the Steklov and the Sokolov integrable cases of Kirchhoff's equations”, Sb. Math., 195:3 (2004), 369–412
Fomenko A.T., Morozov P.V., “Some new results in topological classification of integrable systems in rigid body dynamics”, Proceedings of the Workshop on Contemporary Geometry and Related Topics, 2004, 201–222