36 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf1500
  1. Gleb A. Kotousov, Sylvain Lacroix, Jörg Teschner, “Integrable Sigma Models at RG Fixed Points: Quantisation as Affine Gaudin Models”, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 25:1 (2024), 843  crossref
  2. Nobutaka Nakazono, “Properties of the Non-Autonomous Lattice Sine-Gordon Equation: Consistency around a Broken Cube Property”, SIGMA, 18 (2022), 032, 8 pp.  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet
  3. Nalini Joshi, Nobutaka Nakazono, “On the three‐dimensional consistency of Hirota's discrete Korteweg‐de Vries equation”, Stud Appl Math, 147:4 (2021), 1409  crossref
  4. Kassotakis P. Nieszporski M. Papageorgiou V. Tongas A., “Integrable Two-Component Systems of Difference Equations”, Proc. R. Soc. A-Math. Phys. Eng. Sci., 476:2234 (2020), 20190668  crossref  isi
  5. S.D. King, F.W. Nijhoff, “Quantum variational principle and quantum multiform structure: The case of quadratic Lagrangians”, Nuclear Physics B, 947 (2019), 114686  crossref
  6. Kassotakis P. Nieszporski M., “Difference Systems in Bond and Face Variables and Non-Potential Versions of Discrete Integrable Systems”, J. Phys. A-Math. Theor., 51:38 (2018), 385203  crossref  isi
  7. Chicherin D. Spiridonov V.P., “The Hyperbolic Modular Double and the Yang-Baxter Equation”, Representation Theory, Special Functions and Painleve Equations - Rims 2015, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, 76, ed. Konno H. Sakai H. Shiraishi J. Suzuki T. Yamada Y., Math Soc Japan, 2018, 95–123  mathscinet  isi
  8. Л. А. Тахтаджян, А. Ю. Алексеев, И. Я. Арефьева, М. А. Семенов-Тян-Шанский, Е. К. Склянин, Ф. А. Смирнов, С. Л. Шаташвили, “Научное наследие Л. Д. Фаддеева. Обзор работ”, УМН, 72:6(438) (2017), 3–112  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  elib; L. A. Takhtajan, A. Yu. Alekseev, I. Ya. Aref'eva, M. A. Semenov-Tian-Shansky, E. K. Sklyanin, F. A. Smirnov, S. L. Shatashvili, “Scientific heritage of L. D. Faddeev. Survey of papers”, Russian Math. Surveys, 72:6 (2017), 977–1081  crossref  isi
  9. Tomaž Prosen, Berislav Buča, “Exact matrix product decay modes of a boundary driven cellular automaton”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 50:39 (2017), 395002  crossref
  10. D Chicherin, S Derkachov, “The R-operator for a modular double”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 47:11 (2014), 115203  crossref