12 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tm805
Charles P. Boyer, Hongnian Huang, Eveline Legendre, Christina W. Tønnesen-Friedman, “Existence and non-existence of constant scalar curvature and extremal Sasaki metrics”, Math. Z., 304:4 (2023)
Ivan Cheltsov, Constantin Shramov, “Kähler–Einstein Fano threefolds of degree 22”, J. Algebraic Geom., 32 (2023), 385–428
Cheltsov I., Park J., Prokhorov Yu., Zaidenberg M., “Cylinders in Fano Varieties”, EMS Surv. Math. Sci., 8:1-2 (2021), 39–105
Xu Ch., “K-Stability of Fano Varieties: An Algebro-Geometric Approach”, EMS Surv. Math. Sci., 8:1-2 (2021), 265–354
Golota A., “Delta-Invariants For Fano Varieties With Large Automorphism Groups”, Int. J. Math., 31:10 (2020), 2050077
Cheltsov I.A., Rubinstein Ya.A., Zhang K., “Basis Log Canonical Thresholds, Local Intersection Estimates, and Asymptotically Log Del Pezzo Surfaces”, Sel. Math.-New Ser., 25:2 (2019), UNSP 34
В. В. Пржиялковский, И. А. Чельцов, К. А. Шрамов, “Трехмерные многообразия Фано с бесконечными группами автоморфизмов”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 83:4 (2019), 226–280
; V. V. Przyjalkowski, I. A. Cheltsov, K. A. Shramov, “Fano threefolds with infinite automorphism groups”, Izv. Math., 83:4 (2019), 860–907
Chung K., Hong J., Lee S., “Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Rational Curves in Linear Sections of Grassmannian Gr(2,5)”, J. Pure Appl. Algebr., 222:4 (2018), 868–888
Sławomir Dinew, Grzegorz Kapustka, Michał Kapustka, “Remarks on Mukai threefolds admitting $\mathbb C^*$ action”, Mosc. Math. J., 17:1 (2017), 15–33
Fujita K., “Examples of K-Unstable Fano Manifolds With the Picard Number 1”, Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc., 60:4 (2017), 881–891