178 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tm515
Steinberg B., Vorobets M., Vorobets Ya., “Automata Over a Binary Alphabet Generating Free Groups of Even Rank”, Internat J Algebra Comput, 21:1–2 (2011), 329–354
Sunic Z., “Finite Self-Similar P-Groups with Abelian First Level Stabilizers”, Internat J Algebra Comput, 21:1–2 (2011), 355–364
Abert M., Jaikin-Zapirain A., Nikolov N., “The rank gradient from a combinatorial viewpoint”, Groups Geom Dyn, 5:2 (2011), 213–230
Nekrashevych V., Pete G., “Scale-invariant groups”, Groups Geom Dyn, 5:1 (2011), 139–167
Р. И. Григорчук, “Некоторые вопросы динамики групповых действий на корневых деревьях”, Современные проблемы математики, Сборник статей. К 75-летию Института, Труды МИАН, 273, МАИК «Наука/Интерпериодика», М., 2011, 72–191
; R. I. Grigorchuk, “Some topics in the dynamics of group actions on rooted trees”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 273 (2011), 64–175
Woryna A., “The concept of duality for automata over a changing alphabet and generation of a free group by such automata”, Theoret Comput Sci, 412:45 (2011), 6420–6431
Funar L., Kapoudjian Ch., “The braided Ptolemy-Thompson group is asynchronously combable”, Comment Math Helv, 86:3 (2011), 707–768
Nekrashevich V.V., Oliinyk A.S., Sushchanskii V.I., “Metric Properties of Functions Defined by Partial Automata”, Ukrainian Math J, 62:11 (2011), 1741–1751
Cooper S., Prassidis S., “Zeta functions of infinite graph bundles”, Linear & Multilinear Algebra, 58:2 (2010), 185–201
Vorobets M., Vorobets Ya., “On a series of finite automata defining free transformation groups”, Groups Geometry and Dynamics, 4:2 (2010), 377–405