25 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tm473
Moghadasi S.R., “Controllability of Rolling Bodies With Regular Surfaces”, J. Korean. Math. Soc., 53:4 (2016), 725–735
Ishikawa G., Machida Y., Takahashi M., “Singularities of tangent surfaces in Cartan?s split $G_2$-geometry”, Asian J. Math., 20:2 (2016), 353–382
Chitour Ya., Molina M.G., Kokkonen P., “Symmetries of the Rolling Model”, Math. Z., 281:3-4 (2015), 783–805
Gogberashvili M., Sakhelashvili O., “Geometrical Applications of Split Octonions”, Adv. Math. Phys., 2015, 196708
An D., Nurowski P., “Twistor Space for Rolling Bodies”, Commun. Math. Phys., 326:2 (2014), 393–414
Molina M.G., Grong E., “Geometric Conditions for the Existence of a Rolling Without Twisting Or Slipping”, Commun. Pure Appl. Anal, 13:1 (2014), 435–452
Baez J.C., Huerta J., “G(2) and the Rolling Ball”, Trans. Am. Math. Soc., 366:10 (2014), 5257–5293
Yacine Chitour, Mauricio Godoy Molina, Petri Kokkonen, Springer INdAM Series, 5, Geometric Control Theory and Sub-Riemannian Geometry, 2014, 103
de Leon M., “A historical review on nonholomic mechanics”, RACSAM Rev R Acad Cienc Exactas Fís Nat Ser A Mat, 106:1 (2012), 191–224
Grong E., “Controllability of Rolling Without Twisting Or Slipping in Higher Dimensions”, SIAM J. Control Optim., 50:4 (2012), 2462–2485