23 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tm403
Miksa M., Nordstrom J., “Long Proofs of (Seemingly) Simple Formulas”, Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - Sat 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8561, eds. Sinz C., Egly U., Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2014, 121–137
Nordstrom J., “Pebble Games, Proof Complexity, and Time-Spacetrade-Offs”, Log. Meth. Comput. Sci., 9:3 (2013), 15
Buss S.R., “Towards NP-P via proof complexity and search”, Ann Pure Appl Logic, 163:7 (2012), 906–917
Filmus Yu., Lauria M., Nordstroem J., Thapen N., Ron-Zewi N., “Space Complexity in Polynomial Calculus”, 2012 IEEE 27th Annual Conference on Computational Complexity (Ccc), Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, IEEE, 2012, 334–344
Borodin A., Pitassi T., Razborov A., “Special Issue in Memory of Misha Alekhnovich. Foreword”, Comput Complexity, 20:4 (2011), 579–590
Alekhnovich M., “Lower Bounds for K-DNF Resolution on Random 3-CNFS”, Comput Complexity, 20:4 (2011), 597–614
Alekhnovich M., Razborov A., “Satisfiability, Branch-Width and Tseitin Tautologies”, Comput Complexity, 20:4 (2011), 649–678
Ben-Sasson E., Impagliazzo R., “Random Cnf's are Hard for the Polynomial Calculus”, Comput Complexity, 19:4 (2010), 501–519
Raz R., “Elusive Functions and Lower Bounds for Arithmetic Circuits”, Stoc'08: Proceedings of the 2008 Acm International Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2008, 711–720
Segerlind N., “The complexity of propositional proofs”, Bull. Symbolic Logic, 13:4 (2007), 417–481