5 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tm3933
В. А. Александров, Е. П. Волокитин, “Вложенный многогранник, допускающий изгибание, при котором все его двугранные углы изменяются”, Сиб. матем. журн., 65:6 (2024), 1076–1101 ; V. A. Alexandrov, E. P. Volokitin, “An embedded flexible polyhedron with nonconstant dihedral angles”, Siberian Math. J., 65:6 (2024), 1259–1280
M. Gallet, G. Grasegger, J. Legersky, J. Schicho, “Combinatorics of bricard's octahedra”, C. R. Math., 359:1 (2021), 7–38
V. Alexandrov, “The spectrum of the Laplacian in a domain bounded by a flexible polyhedron in R-D does not always remain unaltered during the flex”, J. Geom., 111:2 (2020), 32
Alexandrov V., “Necessary Conditions For the Extendibility of a First-Order Flex of a Polyhedron to Its Flex”, Beitr. Algebr. Geom., 61:2 (2020), 355–368
V. Alexandrov, “A sufficient condition for a polyhedron to be rigid”, J. Geom., 110:2 (2019), UNSP 38