11 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tm3851
V. V. Vedeneev, L. R. Gareev, Ju. S. Zayko, N. M. Exter, “Absolute and Global Instability of Plane Submerged Jets”, Fluid Dyn, 59:4 (2024), 639
К. Э. Абдульманов, В. В. Веденеев, “Линейное и нелинейное развитие изгибных возмущений в трубе с переменными упругими свойствами с протекающей внутри жидкостью”, Современные методы механики, Сборник статей. К 90-летию академика Андрея Геннадьевича Куликовского, Труды МИАН, 322, МИАН, М., 2023, 10–23
; K. E. Abdul'manov, V. V. Vedeneev, “Linear and Nonlinear Development of Bending Perturbations in a Fluid-Conveying Pipe with Variable Elastic Properties”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 322 (2023), 4–17
А. Т. Ильичев, В. А. Шаргатов, “Устойчивость аневризмы в мембранной трубке, заполненной идеальной жидкостью”, ТМФ, 211:2 (2022), 236–248
; A. T. Il'ichev, V. A. Shargatov, “Stability of an aneurysm in a membrane tube filled with an ideal fluid”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 211:2 (2022), 642–652
A. T. Il'ichev, V. A. Shargatov, “Stability of the aneurysm-type solution in a membrane tube with localized wall thinning filled with a fluid with a non-constant velocity profile”, J. Fluids Struct., 114 (2022), 103712, 12 pp.
V. Vedeneev, “Solitary waves in hyperelastic tubes conveying inviscid and viscous fluid”, Advanced Problem in Mechanics II, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2022, 35–68
A. Podoprosvetova, V. Vedeneev, “Axisymmetric instability of elastic tubes conveying power-law fluids”, J. Fluid Mech., 941 (2022), A61
Anand V., Christov I.C., “Revisiting Steady Viscous Flow of a Generalized Newtonian Fluid Through a Slender Elastic Tube Using Shell Theory”, ZAMM-Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 101:2 (2021), e201900309
Zh. A. Akilov, M. S. Dzhabbarov, B. Kh. Khuzhayorov, “Tangential shear stress under the periodic flow of a viscoelastic fluid in a cylindrical tube”, Fluid Dyn., 56:2 (2021), 189–199
A. Podoprosvetova, J. Zayko, V. Yushutin, V. Vedeneev, “Experimental study of the flow regime effect on the stability of collapsible tubes conveying fluid”, Phys. Fluids, 33:6 (2021), 064104
А. Т. Ильичев, “Динамика и спектральная устойчивость солитоноподобных структур в мембранных трубках с жидкостью”, УМН, 75:5(455) (2020), 59–100
; A. T. Il'ichev, “Dynamics and spectral stability of soliton-like structures in fluid-filled membrane tubes”, Russian Math. Surveys, 75:5 (2020), 843–882