63 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tm384
  1. Patakfalvi Z., “Frobenius Techniques in Birational Geometry”, Algebraic Geometry: Salt Lake City 2015, Pt 1, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, 97, no. 1, eds. DeFernex T., Hassett B., Mustata M., Olsson M., Popa M., Thomas R., Amer Mathematical Soc, 2018, 489–517  crossref  mathscinet  isi
  2. Ю. Г. Прохоров, “Проблема рациональности для расслоений на коники”, УМН, 73:3(441) (2018), 3–88  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  elib; Yu. G. Prokhorov, “The rationality problem for conic bundles”, Russian Math. Surveys, 73:3 (2018), 375–456  crossref  isi
  3. Fulger M., Lehmann B., “Zariski decompositions of numerical cycle classes”, J. Algebr. Geom., 26:1 (2017), 43–106  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
  4. Birkar C., “Existence of flips and minimal models for 3-folds in char $p$”, Ann. Sci. Ec. Norm. Super., 49:1 (2016), 169–212  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
  5. Birkar C., “Singularities on the base of a Fano type fibration”, J. Reine Angew. Math., 715 (2016), 125–142  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
  6. Choi S.R., Park J., “Potentially non-klt locus and its applications”, Math. Ann., 366:1-2 (2016), 141–166  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
  7. Odaka Yu., “Invariants of Varieties and Singularities Inspired By Kahler-Einstein Problems”, Proc. Jpn. Acad. Ser. A-Math. Sci., 91:4 (2015), 50–55  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
  8. Kaveh K., Khovanskii A.G., “Note on the Grothendieck Group of Subspaces of Rational Functions and Shokurov'S Cartier B-Divisors”, Can. Math. Bul.-Bul. Can. Math., 57:3 (2014), 562–572  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
  9. Ambro F., “An Injectivity Theorem”, Compos. Math., 150:6 (2014), 999–1023  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
  10. Birkar C., Hu Zh., “Log Canonical Pairs With Good Augmented Base Loci”, Compos. Math., 150:4 (2014), 579–592  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus