26 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tm2548
Н. Л. Григоренко, “Задача преследования в дифференциальных играх многих лиц”, Матем. сб., 135(177):1 (1988), 36–45
; N. L. Grigorenko, “The pursuit problem in $n$-person differential games”, Math. USSR-Sb., 63:1 (1989), 35–45
Kaljabin G.A., Lizorkin P.I., “Spaces of Functions of Generalized Smoothness”, Mathematische Nachrichten, 133 (1987), 7–32
Medved M., “On a Nonlinear Differential Game of Evasion with Constraints”, Kybernetika, 23:1 (1987), 19–31
Zak V.L., “Strategy of Evasion From Many Pursuers”, Optimal Control Applications & Methods, 7:4 (1986), 389–410
Grigorenko N.L., “Pursuit of 2 Evaders by Several Controllable Objects”, Doklady Akademii Nauk Sssr, 282:5 (1985), 1051–1054
Satimov N., “Possibility of Encounter Avoidance in a Critical Case”, Differential Equations, 20:12 (1984), 1451–1455
Satimov N.Y., Fazylov A.Z., Khamdamov A.A., “Pursuit and Encounter–Avoidance Problems in Differential and Discrete Many–Player Games with Integral Restrictions”, Differential Equations, 20:8 (1984), 1024–1030
Satimov N., “Generalizations of Pontryagin,l.S. Lemma Concerning Squares”, Differential Equations, 20:9 (1984), 1118–1123
Chikrii A.A., “Method of Alternating Directions in Nonlinear Differential–Games of Evasion”, Cybernetics, 20:1 (1984), 71–82
Mishchenko E.F., Satimov N., “An Encounter–Evasion Problem in the Critical Case”, Differential Equations, 19:2 (1983), 160–167