15 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tm2408
А. Ю. Шадрин, “Интерполяция многочленами Лагранжа, точные постоянные в неравенствах между нормами производных на конечном отрезке”, Матем. заметки, 54:5 (1993), 129–143 ; A. Yu. Shadrin, “Interpolation by Lagrange polynomials and sharp constants in inequalities for the norms of derivatives on a finite segment”, Math. Notes, 54:5 (1993), 1165–1173
Shadrin A.Y., “On the Exact Constants in Inequalities Between the l–Infinity–Norms of Derivatives on the Finite Interval”, Doklady Akademii Nauk, 326:1 (1992), 50–53
Burenkov V.I., Gusakov V.A., “On Precise Constants in Sobolev Imbedding Theorems .2”, Doklady Akademii Nauk, 324:3 (1992), 505–510
Vershinin V.V., Pavlov N.N., “Splines in a Convex Set, and the Problem of Numerical Differentiation”, Ussr Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 27:3–4 (1987), 199–202
Г. С. Балашова, “Теоремы вложения для банаховых пространств бесконечно дифференцируемых функций”, Матем. сб., 128(170):1(9) (1985), 66–81 ; G. S. Balashova, “Imbedding theorems for Banach spaces of infinitely differentiable functions”, Math. USSR-Sb., 56:1 (1987), 63–78