10 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tm2376
Bahrom T. Samatov, Ulmasjon B. Soyibboev, “Differential game with a lifeline for the inertial movements of players”, Ural Math. J., 7:2 (2021), 94–109
Samatov B.T., Umaraliyeva N.T., Uralova I S., “Differential Games With the Langenhop Type Constrains on Controls”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 42:12 (2021), 2942–2951
Bahrom T. Samatov, Gafurjan Ibragimov, Iroda V. Khodjibayeva, “Pursuit-evasion differential games with Grönwall-type constraints on controls”, Ural Math. J., 6:2 (2020), 95–107
Ольга О. Юферева, “Игра «Лев и Человек» и отображения без неподвижных точек”, МТИП, 9:2 (2017), 105–120 ; Olga O. Yufereva, “Lion and Man game and fixed point free maps”, Autom. Remote Control, 79:7 (2018), 1361–1370
А. С. Банников, “Некоторые нестационарные задачи группового преследования”, Изв. ИМИ УдГУ, 2013, № 1(41), 3–46
Ibragimov G.I., Salimi M., “Pursuit–Evasion Differential Game with Many Inertial Players”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2009, 653723
Г. И. Ибрагимов, Б. Б. Рихсиев, “О некоторых достаточных условиях оптимальности времени преследования в дифференциальной игре со многими преследующими”, Автомат. и телемех., 2006, № 4, 16–24 ; G. I. Ibragimov, B. B. Rikhsiev, “On some sufficient conditions for optimality of the pursuit time in the differential game with multiple pursuers”, Autom. Remote Control, 67:4 (2006), 529–537
Г. И. Ибрагимов, “Об одной задаче группового преследования”, Автомат. и телемех., 2005, № 8, 24–35 ; G. I. Ibragimov, “A group pursuit game”, Autom. Remote Control, 66:8 (2005), 1214–1223
Ibragimov G.I., “Optimal pursuit with countably many pursuers and one evader”, Differential Equations, 41:5 (2005), 627–635
Lediaev I.S., “Implicit Multivalued Function Theorems”, Doklady Akademii Nauk Sssr, 276:3 (1984), 543–546