31 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tm144
Gonzales R., Pech C., Perrin N., Samokhin A., “Geometry of Horospherical Varieties of Picard Rank One”, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2022:12 (2022), 8916–9012
Bezrukavnikov R., Losev I., “Etingof'S Conjecture For Quantized Quiver Varieties”, Invent. Math., 223:3 (2021), 1097–1226
Losev I., “On Inductive Construction of Procesi Bundles”, Eur. J. Math., 2021
Losev I., “Derived Equivalences For Symplectic Reflection Algebras”, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2021:1 (2021), 444–474
Bellamy G., Craw A., “Birational Geometry of Symplectic Quotient Singularities”, Invent. Math., 222:2 (2020), 399–468
Halpern-Leistner D., Sam V S., “Combinatorial Constructions of Derived Equivalences”, J. Am. Math. Soc., 33:3 (2020), 735–773
Donovan W., Wemyss M., “Noncommutative Enhancements of Contractions”, Adv. Math., 344 (2019), 99–136
Bernstein J., Bezrukavnikov R., Kazhdan D., “Deligne-Lusztig Duality and Wonderful Compactification”, Sel. Math.-New Ser., 24:1, SI (2018), 7–20
Ganev I., “Quantizations of Multiplicative Hypertoric Varieties At a Root of Unity”, J. Algebra, 506 (2018), 92–128
Kawamata Yu., “Derived Mckay Correspondence For Gl(3, C)”, Adv. Math., 328 (2018), 1199–1216