7 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/smj5979
Jaume Giné, Dmitry I. Sinelshchikov, “On the geometric and analytical properties of the anharmonic oscillator”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 131 (2024), 107875
Sergey I. Agafonov, Thaís G. P. Alves, “Fractional-linear integrals of geodesic flows on surfaces and Nakai's geodesic 4-webs”, Advances in Geometry, 24:2 (2024), 263
С. В. Агапов, М. М. Турсунов, “О рациональных интегралах двумерных натуральных систем”, Сиб. матем. журн., 64:4 (2023), 665–674
Sergei Agapov, Alexey Potashnikov, Vladislav Shubin, “Integrable magnetic geodesic flows on 2-surfaces
*”, Nonlinearity, 36:4 (2023), 2128
S. V. Agapov, M. M. Tursunov, “On the Rational Integrals of Two-Dimensional Natural Systems”, Sib Math J, 64:4 (2023), 787
S. Agapov, V. Shubin, “Rational integrals of 2-dimensional geodesic flows: new examples”, J. Geom. Phys., 170 (2021), 104389
С. В. Агапов, “О первых интегралах двумерных геодезических потоков”, Сиб. матем. журн., 61:4 (2020), 721–734
; S. V. Agapov, “On first integrals of two-dimensional geodesic flows”, Siberian Math. J., 61:4 (2020), 563–574