11 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/smj3107
  1. Lucas Chesnel, Jérémy Heleine, Sergei A. Nazarov, Jari Taskinen, “Acoustic waveguide with a dissipative inclusion”, ESAIM: M2AN, 57:6 (2023), 3585  crossref
  2. Muhammad El-Taha, “Invariance of workload in queueing systems”, Queueing Syst, 83:1-2 (2016), 181  crossref
  3. Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Telecom Networks, 2012, 381  crossref
  4. Martin Costabel, Monique Dauge, SergeïA. Nazarov, Jan Sokolowski, “Analysis of crack singularities in an aging elastic material”, ESAIM: M2AN, 40:3 (2006), 553  crossref
  5. François Baccelli, Pierre Brémaud, Elements of Queueing Theory, 2003, 75  crossref
  6. L. D. Servi, S. Humair, “Optimizing Bernoulli Routing Policies for Balancing Loads on Call Centers and Minimizing Transmission Costs”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 100:3 (1999), 623  crossref
  7. С. А. Назаров, А. С. Слуцкий, “Асимптотика решений краевых задач для уравнения с быстроосциллирующими коэффициентами в области с малой полостью”, Матем. сб., 189:9 (1998), 107–142  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus; S. A. Nazarov, A. S. Slutskij, “Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of boundary-value problems for equations with rapidly oscillating coefficients in a domain with a small cavity”, Sb. Math., 189:9 (1998), 1385–1422  mathnet  crossref
  8. Rhonda Righter, “Optimal Scheduling of Multiclass Stochastic Systems”, Prob. Eng. Inf. Sci., 10:2 (1996), 229  crossref
  9. Zhen Liu, Don Towsley, “Optimality of the round-robin routing policy”, Journal of Applied Probability, 31:2 (1994), 466  crossref
  10. Zhen Liu, Don Towsley, “Optimality of the round-robin routing policy”, J. Appl. Probab., 31:02 (1994), 466  crossref