44 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/smj2495
  1. T. Sh. Kalmenov, A. K. Les, U. A. Iskakova, “Determination of density of elliptic potential”, Eurasian Math. J., 12:4 (2021), 43–52  mathnet  crossref
  2. Kal'menov T.Sh., Otelbaev M., Arepova G.D., “Bitsadze-Samarskii Boundary Conditions For An Elliptic-Parabolic Volume Potential With Smooth Matching”, Differ. Equ., 56:6 (2020), 740–755  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
  3. I. N. Parasidis, “Extension and decomposition method for differential and integro-differential equations”, Eurasian Math. J., 10:3 (2019), 48–67  mathnet  crossref
  4. Kal'menov T.Sh. Arepova G.D., “Representation of Solution of the Dirichlet Problem For the Laplace Equation in the Form of a Generalized Convolution”, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ., 64:5 (2019), UNSP 040014, 816–824  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
  5. Т. Ш. Кальменов, Б. Дербиссалы, “On the boundary conditions of the wave potential in a domain with a curviline borders”, Доклады АМАН, 19:1 (2019), 22–30  mathnet  elib
  6. T. Sh. Kal'menov, G. D. Arepova, D. D. Arepova, “Boundary condition of the volume potential for an elliptic-parabolic equation with a scalar parameter”, Electron. J. Differ. Equ., 2018  mathscinet  isi
  7. Т. Ш. Кальменов, М. Отелбаев, Г. Д. Арепова, “Краевое условие Бицадзе–Самарского для эллиптико-параболического объёмного потенциала”, Докл. РАН, 480:2 (2018), 141–144  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath; Sh. K. T., M. Otelbaev, G. D. Arepova, “Bitsadze–Samarskii boundary condition for elliptic-parabolic volume potential”, Dokl. Math., 97:3 (2018), 223–226  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
  8. M. Sadybekov, G. Oralsyn, “On trace formulae of the generalised heat potential operator”, J. Pseudo-Differ. Oper. Appl., 9:1 (2018), 143–150  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
  9. T. Sh. Kal'menov, G. D. Arepova, “A criterion for the existence of soliton solutions of telegraph equation”, Bull. Karaganda Univ-Math., 91:3 (2018), 45–52  crossref  isi
  10. T. Kal'menov, G. D. Arepova, “On a boundary condition of Bitsadze-Samarskii for the Lavrent'ev-Bitsadze equation”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2018), AIP Conf. Proc., 1997, eds. A. Ashyralyev, A. Lukashov, M. Sadybekov, Amer. Inst. Phys., 2018, 020002-1  crossref  isi  scopus